Marketown West Carpark
Customer parking is free up to 3hours.
Time limit: 3P
Patrolled by Council Rangers
Parking FAQ
Which carpark is the Marketown West carpark?
Marketown West is the side anchored by Coles & Officeworks, with open-air parking.
How do I access the Marketown West carpark?
Entry via Parry, Steel or King Streets for the western carpark. Steel Street entry and exit is left turn only Parry Street can be entered from both directions, however is left turn exit only King Street entry is only available from a left turn only and is NO EXIT.
What are the parking rates on Marketown West?
3 hours free open-air parking is available on Marketown West. Fines apply for parking over the 3 hours and are issued by City of Newcastle Council Rangers.
Can I park in the loading dock?
No, unauthorised parking in the loading dock is not permitted. This area is for delivery and pick up of goods only to Marketown tenant sand not for customer or staff parking. Unauthorised vehicles will be towed at owners’ expense.
I have a complaint about the western carpark. Who can I speak to?
Depending on the nature of your complaint, please contact Centre Management on 49294448 in the first instance. If you have received a parking fine, please refer to your fine for contact information.
What are the other parking options in Newcastle?
Please refer to the City of Newcastle Council for parking options. There is metered and timed street parking surrounding Marketown.
The closest alternate large parking facility is the No.2 Sportsground located on the corner of Parry & Smith Streets. Details can be found here
Marketown East Carpark
Height Restriction:
2.1m P1
2.2m P2/P3
Operated by: Interpark
Time limit: 0-2hrs free. Rates apply after 2hrs
Touch free - License Plate Recognition in use - Credit card payment only
Marketown East Carpark Opening Hours
Strictly 6am-10pm
Roller Doors will close at 10pm and cars will not be able to exit until 6am the following day.
P2/P3 Access via Ravenshaw Street cannot be accessed after 9PM.
Casual Rates (7 Days)
0 - 2 hours
2 - 3 hours
3 - 4 hours
4 - 5 hours
5 - 6 hours
6 - 7 hours
7 - 8 hours
8 + hours (Max. Daily Rate)
Lost ticket